Want a little bit more flexibility? Then a digital file might be just what you are looking for. The high-res image is ready to print up to A1 size.
Location: Thornybush Nature Reserve, South Africa.
The plains zebra live in small family groups called “harems.” These groups consist of one stallion, several mares, and their offspring. Harems generally remain together for months or even years, making it an incredibly stable family unit. The plain zebra has at least 6 different vocal calls. A two-syllable call is used to alert herd members to predators while snorts indicate happiness. They also use facial expressions to communicate. When greeting each other, they will stick their ears up and push their faces forward. When feeling threatened, they will press their ears against their heads.
Mugshot, plains zebra digital file B&W
All the digital files are edited and exported in maximum resolution, ready to print up to A1 size. All the digital files are edited and exported in the populair A size aspect ratio (A4, A3, A2, A1, etc.). With a digital file you can be a little more flexible and decide how you want to include my artwork with which materials in your home.